Project news

MedSNAIL in Lebanon organizes Mock Market Events in West Bekaa and Chouf

MedSNAIL in Lebanon organized two mock markets in West Bekaa and Chouf as a coaching exercise for producers and in order to identify the producers’ potential marketing capacit…

Project news

Project news

Skills4Sports partners got inspired by professional runner and learnt about sport´s business

Motivation and mental work, needed skills in the sport business, tips on how to manage sport´s events: here are some points addressed during the Skills4sport strategic allianc…

Project news

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG delivers the Local Living Lab training on public building renovation in Spain

SEACAP 4 SDG transfers knowledge on public building renovation through a Living Lab approach in Spain. Read more details.

Project news

Greece: ARTOLIO in Kalamata organized a seminar on quality and entrepreneurship for extra virgin olive pil producers

A seminar on the quality characteristics of olive oil and the marketing of standardized extra virgin olive oil was held on Friday, March 31,…

Project news

NAWAMED: 4th Water Table held in Sicily

The meeting focused on the presentation of a document about urban planning and regulations, proposing prescriptions on water management.

Project news

MedRiSSE: women's cooperatives as agent of change

Through this webinar, participants discovered 5 women’s cooperatives and how they can be an empowerment tool and agent of change in Mediterranean countries.

Two ENI CBC MED projects received the first Mediterranean digital and green awards

The Three Cultures Foundation based in Seville, Spain awarded the American University of Beirut and An-Najah National University in Palestine with the digital and green prize …