Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM is going to BIOFACH fair with the aim of exploring business alliances

The project is bringing together, at the same stand, 14 companies from 4 Mediterranean countries with the goal of supporting them to meet partners and clients across Europe an…

Project news

RESTART MED! An exciting change awaits in the sector

We interview Jaume Marín, Doctor in Tourism and mentor of RESTART MED! subgrants in Catalonia.

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG signs a collaboration agreement in Tunis with the municipality of Bizerte and experts moving towards Sustainable Cities

The new agreement, signed the 17th of January 2023, will allow enabling new technologies in Energy Effici…

Project news

PPI4MED in Tunisia join forces to promote public procurement of innovation

This idea is to reinforce collaboration between researchers and the private sector especially in field of energy, food and water.

Project news

NAWAMED Jordan: School Camps to show the design of the green façade of the student dormitory

The University of Jordan with the support of IRIDRA presented the solutions to implement for the treatment of grey water

Project news

ESMES in Lebanon is launching a tender for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency interventions for two public schools!

LCEC, The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation is launching a tender to implement Solar PV Systems with Battery Storage and Lighting Retr…

Project news

SIRCLES in Italy goes to school to raise awarness about circular economy

A meeting was held in an Italian school where students were introduced to circular economy and to the importance of organic waste management.

Project news

MED4EBM in Italy conducted analysis on Corigliano Gulf area

The analysis tackled the bathing water quality and the relationship between agriculture and tourism in this area of Italy.