Project news

U-SOLVE Greek hub hosts event for startups

This event offered valuable insights from industry experts and successful entrepreneurs, but it also provided a platform for budding entrepreneurs to connect and collaborate

Project news

Med4Waste in Jordan raises awareness on sustainable waste management to young graduates

Med4Waste in Jordan took part in awareness raising campaigns to promote organic waste management.

Project news

MedBEESinessHubs comes to its end: throwback memories

A short video showcasing the many achievements of the MedBEESinessHubs project

Project news

MedTOWN: BELA FLOResta, taking the neighbourhood sense of ownership one step forward in Portugal

The local community, organizations & SSE co-create their own initiatives to enhance the value & opportunities at Bela Flor (Campolid…

Project news

Final INVESTMED Access to Finance workshop connecting entrepreneurs to business angels and venture capitalists

On the 26th October, INVESTMED partner, EMEA held the final A2F workshop for entrepreneurs highlighting investment trends in the MENA region…

Project news

ReSt@rts launches an online course to support young Mediterranean Entrepreneurs

This MOOC is now accessible on the ReSt@rts platform free of charge. Vital component of the ReSt@rts project is aimed at tackling the challenges faced by businesses, especiall…

Project news

NAWAMED introduces cutting-edge solutions for greywater treatment in Lebanon

The Living Wall and Green Facade installed at the American University of Beirut show how nature-based soutions can revolutionize water treatment,

Project news

Plastic Busters CAP in Egypt for the Marine Litter Monitoring and Mitigation workshop

AlRames, Association for Local Community Development of Pastures and Environment in cooperation with project associated partners organize in Egypt the Marine Litter Monitoring…