Project news

“Breeze”: a healthy ice cream made from grape by-products is born due to BESTMEDGRAPE

Leila Khalife and Pamela Slaiby are two of the winners’ potential entrepreneurs. They will introduce us to their invention “Breeze”

Project news

1, 2, 3 - RESMYLE welcomes its first intake of eco-volunteers in Lebanon and Tunisia

3 young NEETs are now gaining much-needed professional experience alongside our partners at RESMYLE eco-incubators in Lebanon and Tunisia

Project news

CLUSTER Cross-border Workshop in Jordan develops training materials for young people

On 21 July 2022, CLUSTER gathered 48 stakeholders in Amman to develop trainee-oriented curricula for young people and women in the Mediterranean

Project news

LIVINGAGRO project ICT platform for Mediterraenan agroforestry now online !!!

The portal offers stakeholders of the multifunctional olive systems and grazed woodlands sectors many different opportunities of interaction and knowledge transfer in an open …

Project news

RESMYLE en France recherche un prestataire pour concevoir une maquette pédagogique sur l'agriculture et la biodiversité

Notre partenaire FR, OPUS (ex. UAP) a lancé un appel d'offre pour la création de leur outil. Date limite: 29/08/2022 à 16 h.

Project news

Project news

REUSEMED in Spain shows that most Córdoba’s residents are not familiar with ‘circular economy’

In particular, 78% of the interviewees that participated in SADECO Córdoba’s study claimed that they have never heard of the term

Project news

Palestine: The Ministry of Social Development adopts the economic empowerment policy among MoreThanAJob project outputs

The Ministry of Social Development MoSD adopts the economic empowerment policy among MoreThanAJob project outputs through supporting SMEs an…