Project news

06 April 2020
RESMYLE: inventory of educational resources on environment and sustainable development

The aim is to provide educators with playful and cheap resources to facilitate environmental awareness activities among NEETs. 

Project news

06 April 2020
ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: Meet the partners!

A robust partnership composed of seven organizations will work hard to enhance agro-food alliances, promote business development across the Mediterranean region.

Project news

06 April 2020
The HELIOS project is selecting an external auditor

The deadline for the submission of bids is Monday, April 20th,2020

Project news

06 April 2020
TEC-MED: provsion of external audit services

The deadline for submitting bids is the 10th of April 2020.

Project news

06 April 2020
Encouraging a social demand to preserve the saltscapes in Spain

In order to maintain artisanal salinas, traditional producers need to include additional economic activities like tourism and new salt products.

Project news

06 April 2020
Discover the pilot sites of Med-EcoSuRe project: site #2 – An-Najah National University

The expected energy savings will be around 20% further to the retrofitting measures to be implemented at the An-Najah National University, Palestine.

Project news

06 April 2020
MEDSt@rts project and the development of a new model of business support

The development of new and innovative business support models is of vital importance to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on the Mediterranean economy.

Project news

06 April 2020
CROSSDEV: a “Contingency Plan” to face Covid-19 crisis

Unable to meet in person in Amman as planned, the partners held the second Steering Committee virtually meeting to approve a “Contingency Plan”. Read the report.