Project news

27 March 2020
Pilot Site #1 – University of Cyprus

The premises of FOSS Research Centre of Sustainable Energy were selected for the implementation of the nanogrid consisting of PVs, battery energy storage system, and a controller for performing DSM.

Project news

26 March 2020
Coronavirus and the model of social care in Spain: the chronicle of a death foretold

An op-ed by Ana María Porcel, coordinator of the TEC-MED project.

Project news

26 March 2020
COMMON project: smart working to protect our seas

Due to the COVID19 outbreak, COMMON project is adapting its activities and adopting teleworking as a general measure. Nonetheless, from home, work continues to protect the health of our seas.

Project news

26 March 2020
Yarmouk Forest Reserve, Jordan

Discover the Yarmouk Forest Reserve in Jordan, one of the pilot areas of the MEDUSA project.

Project news

25 March 2020
[Get to know MEDUSA's territories] Alamat, Lebanon

There are treasures in every corner in Lebanon and Alamat is one of them.

Project news

23 March 2020
BEEP project supports the Italian State Property Agency in the energy improvement of one of its historic buildings

BEEP will test the Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodology on built heritage.

Project news

20 March 2020
Call for tenders: Med-EcoSuRe is looking for a web designer

MEDREC, the coordinator of Med-EcoSuRe project, has launched a call for tenders to select a web designer for the creation of an ICT platform.