Project news

Lebanon: ReSt@rts project consults a policy expert in the Microfinance sector for enhancing the national policies

With the aim to realize the ultimate goal of strengthening and empowering the policies and regulations governing the microfinance sector.

Project news

YEP MED in Egypt trained 60 young people on port logistics

Those who completed the training with benefit from a traineeship to put in practice what they have learnt.

Project news

The first press trip of the Med Pearls project in Catalonia generates interesting articles to promote Slow Tourism

Find out more about the press trip that took place in Catalonia in November 2022, and the articles that have been written for it.

Project news

InnovAgroWoMed's commitment goes beyond the agri-food sector

The beneficiaries of InnovAgroWoMed are now well trained in agrifood related topics. Some have received a subgrant. The commitment of working on their social inclusion is stil…

Project news

The 4 Spanish SMEs Selected for the EMPHASIS Open Innovation Support Program

Get to know the 4 selected beneficiaries of the EMPHASIS project to receive open innovation support services in Spain

Project news

INTECMED en Tunisie présente leur projet d´incubateurs pour l´innovation

Cet infoday est une opportunité pour rapprocher les intervenants du monde économique et rassembler les acteurs de l’écosysteme de l’innovation et l’entrepreunariat dans la rég…

Project news

TRANSDAIRY highlights the power of Technologies in the Dairy Industry in Lebanon

The DairyTech Open Day brought together experts, farmers, researchers, business actors and startups to discuss and demonstrate the most promising Key Enabling Technologies (KE…

Project news

RESMYLE in Lebanon invites you to participate in a workshop on waste management and reduction

The workshop will be held from 28th of February until 13 of March 2023. Deadlines for registrations: 23 of January 2023.