Project news

MedArtSal promotes knowledge exchange on microalgae exploitation in salinas

MedArtSal project continued its cross-fertilisation activities through knowledge exchange between the University of Cadiz and SAIDA for the cultivation of microalgae in salina…

Project news

Italy: MEDSt@rts organises its final event "Mediterranean entrepreneurs"

On the 6th of July, MEDSt@rts final event in Cagliari (Italy) to discuss way to boost entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean


Project news

Skills4Sports is looking for a sport expert in Lebanon

Skills4Sports partner Rene Moawad Foundation is looking for a sports expert in Lebanon. Deadline to apply: 11 July 2022

Project news

Joint NEX-LABS and U-SOLVE informative session to highlight innovative solutions in Water, Energy and Food and urban development in Egypt

On Tuesday, June 21, the Academy of Scientific Research organized a session at its headquarters to introd…

Project news

TRANSDAIRY: Call for expression of interest in the participation in the third round of entrepreneurship training sessions in Greece

TRANSDAIRY invites dairy value chain stakeholders to apply to the 3rd round of entrepreneurship training …

Project news

Jordan: MEDISS raises awareness of young people about the importance of water reuse

MEDISS implemented anawareness programme for young students to transfer knowledge and foster an active engagement in non-conventional water use.

Project news

Med Pearls Taking a Deeper Look into Slow Tourism in Egypt Through the Eyes of an Expert

With the goal to take a deeper look at the Slow Tourism Sector in Egypt, we sat down with Med Pearls Advisory Board Member and Tourism Expert, Mr. Hussein Shoukry. An experien…

Project news

YEP MED in Italy plans the next training and the launch of its call for proposal in the port sector

The second edition of the YEP MED "Occupational Training" will start between September and October 2022. So far, it has been prove…