Project news

SIRCLES training in Tunisia impacted the lives of 92 NEETs and women

The trainees learnt new techniques, are more aware of the value of organic waste, are willing to change some habits regarding farming and see some jobs opportunities in the ho…

Project news

HELIOS is hiring an economic operator in Italy

The deadline for submitting applications is the 27th May 2022 at 13:00 (Italian local time).

Project news

Peach trees blooming in Med Pearls Imathia pilot area of Greece

The awakening of nature takes place in the plain of Imathia, Greece.

Project news

GIMED: Sustainable bags and accessories, fashionable products made out of recycled tire tubes in Lebanon

Vea is an innovative business focused on reusing materials and upcycling them that focuses on promoting an ethical consumerism.

Project news

MYSEA in Jordan launches a tender for logistics of training workshops´ implementation

The Jordan University of Science and Technology, partner of the MYSEA project, is looking for a Logistics of Training Workshops Implementation Service. Deadline: 6th June, 202…

Project news

Join TRANSDAIRY in the Cross-Border Brokerage and Matchmaking Event in ICT for the Dairy Value Chain in Tunisia

Register for the First Tunisian Cross-Border Brokerage and Matchmaking Event in ICT for the Dairy Value Chain, before 31st May 2022

Project news

Spanish team of MED GAIMS project expresses their innovative experience with holoportation

Mohamad Hjeij, Media Team Software Engineer at i2CAT Foundation-Spain, explains his view of the MED GAIMS project and his role in implementing the project games.

Project news

INTERVIEW: Prof. Sara El Gazzar on TECHLOG's significant impact on the Egyptian trans(port) industry

Prof. Sara El Gazzar discusses how to get the most out of TECHLOG and how vital logistics and innovation knowledge transfer are to the Egypt…

Project news

Call for Applications: iHERITAGE Italy launches 2 Scholarships for Graduates of Building-Engineering or Architecture

iHERITAGE partner in Italy announces the launch of a call for applications for 2 scholarships, the results of which will be used to deploy t…