Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES aims to provide cool spots for the public in several cities from Israel

Kfar Saba municipality in Israel is about to win funding for a pilot within the SME4SMARTCITIES project.

Project news

Project news

ARTOLIO presents the traditional olive oil practices of the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean region is home to some of the world's oldest olive groves, and traditional olive oil practices have been passed down from generation to generation. Here…

Project news

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM organises a Living Lab to voice the concerns of local agriculture operators

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM organised in Jordan a Living Lab for Mediterranean stakeholders. Through a series of workshops, the participants shared their experiences and exchanged usefu…

Project news

MED-QUAD in Palestine promotes City Development Groups

They organised a training on tourism enhancement and cultural heritage preservation in Hebron.

Project news

Meet the YEP MED Talent participants from Lebanon

From 24th–30th May 2023, 5 Lebanese trainees graduated from the YEP MED courses will travel to Spain and Italy for a great opportunity for their professional future.

Project news

MedTOWN in Spain trained 138 high school students on social and solidarity economy

Another training course for teachers is being prepared to be delivered in the coming months.

Project news

LIVINGAGRO, two technology transfer workshops for enhancing knowledge and skills of agroforestry operators

The two events will take place consecutively online on May 3rd, 2023 morning and will focus on Multifunctional Olive Systems.