Project news

iHERTIAGE explores the future of digital technologies in the Mediterranean!

Presenting iHERTIAGE project development efforts during the 16th edition of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders (MedaWeek Barcelona) under the topic "The Time is N…

Project news

REUSEMED organized a reused fashion show in Cordoba to highlight the value of second-life garments

The fashion show, promoted by the Spanish partner of the REUSEMED, Sadeco, featured garments designed by students from a local fashion schoo…

Project news

No more waiting, MED GAIMS says, the Agency of Secrets is open to play

The project of Agency of Secrets has not only won the Alimara award for tourism innovation, but its team was also interviewed on one of the main Catalan shows on technology. T…

Project news

STAND Up!: 4 fashion and textile enterprises in Egypt selected to access Mediterranean markets

Zakeia, Dija Mo, Somaia Abolezz and Darjee are the start-ups that will get connections to expand into an overseas market and explore busines…

Project news

INNOMED-UP: SMEs are celebrating their sub-grants in Jordan

Future Pioneers conducted a ceremony on the 19th of July, 2022 to sign the sub-grants' contracts to the awarded SMEs to boost innovation and circular economy.

Project news

HELIOS involves local policy makers to foster social inclusion of young people in Sicily

Last 1 July 2022, HELIOS organised a capitalisation workshop involving policy makers with the aim to support social inclusion actions in favour of Sicilian young people and wo…

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES organised online seminars for the SMEs and city representatives

SME4SMARTCITIES strengthens the collaboration among different actors from the project territories through online seminars.