Project news

Envisioning the future of the social & solidarity economy at MedRiSSE launching conference

The launching conference's thread topic was discussing the future of SSE, with a special focus on Tunisia. Read about the highlights of…

Project news

U-SOLVE in Egypt announces the upcoming opening of its urban hub

The session highlighted needs extracted from the interviews that has the greatest impact on the urban development of Alexandria: sustainable energy, urban food systems, blue i…

Project news

Elderlies and families’ caregivers adhere to the TEC-MED care model which meets their requirements in Tunisia

Public institutions and NGOs advocating for aging with dignity work closely with the Tunisian TEC-MED Team to maximize the scope and scale o…

Project news

The trainers of the TEC-MED project act as agents of change and progress for social and health interventions in Lebanon

The TEC-MED project in Lebanon improves the care of the elderly through an online platform. 

Project news

InnovAgroWoMed in Tunisia launches sub-grants to finance women's projects in the agri-food sector

The total value of these sub-grants amounted to more than 288,000 Tunisian dinars. Last date for submitting the application: August 15, 2022…

Project news

RESET is seeking a communications expert for the creation of a youth-led package in Tunisia

The main objective is the creation of a communication plan on green and social entrepreneurship, focused on youth-oriented engagement.

Project news

DECOST: inauguration of a community composter in Anabta, Palestine

The pilot of the decost project in Palestine adds a community option to the network of composters already deployed in the town of Anabta.

Project news

AQUACYCLE excites junior high school students in Greece!

Junior high school teachers and university academics amazed at how teenagers took to my eco-innovative wastewater treatment system design.