Project news

YEP MED trained 300 people in Digital International Port Logistics course

March and February 2022 saw courses in vocational digital international port logistics trainings of the YEP MED project for trainees coming from the port communities of in Leb…

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES organises its first commercial mission to pre-selected SMEs

This event will gather about 50 entrepreneurs and SMEs from Italy, Israel, Palestine and Spain. They will have the opportunity to network and better understand some of the Med…

Project news

RESMYLE latest eco-volunteering mission opportunities - Lebanon

In addition to its international workshops, RESMYLE also offers young NEETS longer, in-depth professional opportunities with a cultural, environmental and social dimension - b…

Project news

Skills4Sports creates strategic alliance for combatting unemployment in Palestine

This alliance brings together the public and private sector as well as universities and NGOs to find solutions to the lack of job opportunities in the sport sector.

Project news

Rest@rts project: Adressing the challenges of funding in Lebanon

Lebanese partner of ReSt@rts- Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon- giving insights about the available financing options in Lebanon.

Project news

Sustainable Tourism, the future that is already present: the first focus group organized by RESTART MED! in Spain

Spanish partners from 8 projects met to discuss the challenges of the sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.

Project news

Join INVESTMED Sustainable Business Management seminars online

Six out of ten seminars covering a range of topics related to Sustainable Business Management have now taken place, featuring speakers and expert panels from across the Mediterranean region.

Project news

MEDUSA: Get to know more about Adventure Tourism winners in Tunisia

The World Wide Fund for Nature Tunisia, MEDUSA project’s partner in Tunisia, awarded DREAM Dealer event the MEDUSA Sub-Grant.