Project news

22 April 2020
Jordan: BESTMEDGRAPE is looking for an external auditor

The deadline for receiving applications is 18th May 2020.

Project news

22 April 2020
Tunisia: ‎MEDSt@rts is looking for facilitators

The deadline for submitting applications is April, 26th 2020.

Project news

22 April 2020
Second Steering Committee meeting of MoreThanAJob project

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the MoreThanAJob project team continues to work together.

Project news

22 April 2020
MEDSt@rts: experts for the Networking of Microfinance Actors in Tunisia

The deadline for submitting applications is April 25th, 2020.

Project news

Project news

22 April 2020
INNOMED-UP project celebrates Earth Day!

The INNOMED-UP project is celebrating the Earth Day, and stresses on the necessity to adopt environmental best practices and to minimize the negative effects of the greenhouse emissions.

Project news

22 April 2020
InnovAgroWoMed: supporting women entrepreneurship in the agro-food sector

InnovAgroWoMed expects to train 140 women in marketable skills and to define four job profiles according to the needs of the agri-food sector.

Project news

22 April 2020
Associated Partners: Strengthening the Mediterranean ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM

Associated Partners (AP) play an essential role in ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project. They are experts in their fields and major team players in the MED Organic and Agro scenario,