Developing New Educational Paths
A.3 Promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty
A.3.1: Provide young people, especially those belonging to the NEETS, and women, with marketable skills
The Quartieri Spagnoli are anomalous suburbs, a reserve and a social divestment encysted in the heart of the city of Napoli which, like all, seems to have stopped imagining and designing a new vision of itself. The population density of this periphery located in the heart of the city is very high (20,672 inhabitants per sq. Km, more than double the city average of 8,217 inhabitants per sq. km). Montecalvario, where the FOQUS Foundation operates, is the most densely populated district (29,917 people). 19.1% of the inhabitants are foreigners (especially from Sri Lanka, Ukraine, China) and almost all are assisted by the ASL Napoli n.1 Center. The families of the neighborhood are 10.4% of all the families of Napoli. Donati (1984) talks about malaise spread in three educational areas: family, school and social services.
Early childhood services in Napoli are insufficient, expensive and inaccessible to poor children. The public and private offer of nursery schools in Campania is 3.8%, in Emilia-Romagna 33.5% (Istat, 2014).
In the city of Napoli and in the Quartieri Spagnoli in particular, the offer of services for children (0-6 years old) remains completely inadequate: only 0.2% of the demand finds an answer. The quantity and quality of the linguistic exposure of children at home (books available, reading together with the child) is among the lowest in Italy with consequences on language development.
In the Q.S. there is an estimated percentage of adult educational poverty higher than 80% (fulfillment of compulsory education and acquisition of a high school diploma).
FOQUS, in the recent years, has promoted a path of regeneration and urban redevelopment, a process of experimentation and transformation of the situation that has led companies and services to settle in Q.S. from other more guaranteed areas of the city, promoting an action of hybridization of social bodies and initiating development processes of emancipation and social mobility. OPEN project is aimed at taking charge of families with children in conditions of extreme socio-economic fragility. Integrated strategies include:
facilitated access to new quality educational services (advanced European training methods with paradigm shift from teaching to learning);
healthcare and opportunities to participate in early childhood social life (0-6); training and job placement for parents; socialization programs (both educationaland recreational) for the family.
The targets of the project are also to guarantee the rights of children and affect the reduction of inequalities with the expansion of educational services from 0 to 6 years (nurseries, kindergarten, alternative services). Trigger social mobility processes and act on the whole family with active training, acquisition of professional qualifications and job placement, aimed at parents, to concretely help the beneficiaries to come out from their condition of poverty.
The project aims to promote over three years: 1. access to quality services for early childhood education - with doubling the places currently available at the nursery and kindergarten in the neighborhood; 2. social inclusion and job activation - enhancement of parents in a training program, acquisition of school and professional certifications, traineeship, business and job creation in the education sector, with financial support commensurate with the commitment; 3. participation of children and families in educational and socializing activities, to fully reactivate and implement the potential of an educating community. Each action is accompanied by professional mediation, to make people understand the logic of "I can't help you without you".
Considering the current context marked by COVID-19 pandemic and in view of the global economic downturn the Project proposal will take care of the consequences related to the diffusion of the pandemic at different levels.
The project adopts the Recommendation of the European Commission of February 20th 2013 and proposes integrated actions in an innovative way aimed at developing sensitivity to cultures for and of childhood: expansion of the offer of services from 0-6 years old according to the European methods of the active school (a change of paradigm from teaching to learning); adult education; new occupation; self-employment; new socialization. The innovation is based on the transformation of social intervention by distribution of resources in the formation of skills, social roles, educational processes: it is an investment for the benefit of the entire community. The innovation is also based on the request for formal assumption of responsibility by the people helped; on the involvment of children's parents in a growth process which concerns: parenting role, professional skills, acquisition of a professional qualification, business creation. Networking of subjects individually engaged on the territory.
Assuming that educational services are capable of reducing, more than others, inequality and poverty, the whole project and the actions in which it is declined
are focused on networking and mutual collaboration among the different subjects belonging to the educating community: school, parents, but expanding it
to training and development agencies, ASL and specialized agencies. It is therefore planned to coordinate and make the various subjects act in an integrated manner to update the educating community and make it: more accessible (ACTION 1); capable of producing development and emancipation, including training, creation of business and employment for parents (ACTION 2); dilated over time, the tools and spaces that can be used, with the offer of gaming, reading and social services (ACTION 3). The different actors who will make up the new education community of the Quartieri Spagnoli will carry out interdependent activities:
services for children with health services, territorial associations with higher education, business creation and management of pre-socialization and socialization activities. An integrated action, where the concept of solidarity is flanked and integrated to the one of participation and reciprocity, in a relationship society that educates its citizens, but which also makes itself educated and changed by its citizens.
FOQUS Foundation
France, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt
The maximum budget for the project proposal is € 1.1 million.
FOQUS - Foundation