The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

IPMED: Policy Proposals for improving Intellectual Property environment in Jordan

The Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) took the lead in managing the project of developing intellectual property capacities to achieve sustainable and smart growth in Mediterranean countries, which was also implemented with similar institutions in Greece, Italy, and Tunisia as part of the Mediterranean Neighborhood Mechanism. The project's main objectives were to develop small and medium-sized businesses in the industrial and service sectors, promote economic and social development, support emerging projects and creative and entrepreneurial ideas among youth and the women's sector.

One of the project's key goals was to analyze Jordan's intellectual property current policies and make recommendations to the relevant authorities in order to improve Jordan's intellectual property environment.

MedTOWN Recommendations for improving the legal-regulatory framework of the social and solidarity economy in the 6 countries of the project

As a result of the Comparative Study of the Regulatory and Legal Framework of the Social and Solidarity Economy in the countries participating in the MedTOWN Project, the following proposals for improvements were made regarding the legal and regulatory framework of the social and solidarity economy in the different countries that are part of the MedTOWN project.

White Paper Development on Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) in Spain

The White Paper on Public Procurement of Innovtion (PPI) developed within the PPI4MED has allowed CSIC (Spanish National Research Centre) to study in detail the PPI process, analyse the current situation of the instrument in Spain,
how does it affect the research community and its particularities. It also provides some conclusions and recommendations.

MedRiSSE Policy briefs in promoting social innovation led by SSE entities

Oxfam Italy, based on a cross-country analysis, constructed 5 thematic policy briefs targeting key topics in social innovation. These topics were chosen for their relevance to broader public debate and the potential to be leveraged at a country level. The themes include: promoting the role of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in developing the green economy in Jordan; pragmatic options for social enterprises to access blended finance mechanisms in Italy; advancing local currencies and removing implementation barriers in Spain; financial support for women-led cooperatives, contributing to women empowerment in Palestine; and enhancing cooperation between higher education, social entrepreneurs, and the SSE sphere in Tunisia’s educational system. The briefs were developed in collaboration with regional focal points and a consultant, validated through a restitution meeting, and disseminated via both offline workshops and online webinars. These briefs offer detailed and specific actions and recommendations for policy makers to effectively promote social innovation.

NEX-LABS Joint Action Plan Recommendations.

After setting the priorities, specific and targeted recommendations were found imperative to outline the action plan that would ultimately generate an informed strategy, supporting the implementation of Living Labs (LLs) and ensuring the success of the intended Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus approach. As such, consecutive sessions with partners were organized that were diverse and ranged between virtual meetings and in person workshops that resembled the intended LLs. The MURAL, an interactive online platform, was used to host partners of these projects and experts in the field, engaging in discussions and fulfilling tasks required for the development of the Nexus Joint Action Plan (NJAP). The MURAL incorporated a series of steps to be followed during various sessions. The tool built upon the recommendations from previous NEX-LABS activities, implementing measures to assess and prioritize the necessary actions. As such, over several meetings and focus group discussions, partners were able to assign several targeted actions for the pre-assigned recommendations, identify the timeline and impacts of the actions, assigned scores, and ranked the priorities, by that validating the
determined priorities.

Mediterranean Policy Document

This document focuses on the requirements for the development of policy frameworks for the application of Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) solutions, promoting the outcomes of stakeholder discussions undertaken in the countries participating in the NAWAMED Project – Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan, with a view of presenting a regional (Mediterranean) policy vision for the promotion of NCWR solutions in the region.

Policy toolkit on Municipal Waste Management (English Version)

This policy toolkit synthesizes the main lessons learned stemming from (i) the Med4Waste activities oriented at building skills, planning and decision-making capacities of Mediterranean municipalities and waste management practitioners, (ii) the achievements and challenges of 5 other ENI CBC Med projects working on sustainable waste management.

SOLE Cross-border policy reccomendations: strategic visions to facilitate energy requalification of public buildings

The document outlines energy refurbishment policies, societal visions for future public buildings, and processes for climate resilience. It offers transnational policy recommendations to guide Mediterranean policymakers in enhancing energy policies and facilitating building requalification interventions.