The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

MEDUSA - Conceptualization of sustainable tourism products for the adventure tourism segment

The MEDUSA project’s conceptualization of adventure tourism has been thought of as a tool to help the small enterprises and inhabitants of the destinations in order to approach to adventure tourism with a sustainable approach. It consists of a set of guidelines illustrating the key requisites for creating and/or managing adventure packages using the results and the recommendations from:
• country research on the analysis of the attraction potential of 5 destinations (in Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia);
• benchmarking study on sustainable best practices;
• market research on outbound markets;
• examples of how international tour operators design products and packages.
This report develops the conceptualization of adventure travel through 6 phases.

المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed مدنين، تونس

يتظمن المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed مدنين، تونس تدريبًا نظريًا وعمليًا شخصيًا وعبر الإنترنت، بالإضافة إلى زيارات ميدانية وجلسات دعم.
بالإضافة إلى التدريب الفني حول تحويل منتوجات الصيد البحري، تتضمن دورة "وكلاء التحول" (التوظيف / مدنين) موضوعات مرتبطة بالثقافة المؤسسية والتمكين الرقمي والابتكار الاجتماعي والاندماج الاجتماعي والتنمية المستدامةوالمهارات الحياتية (المهارات الشخصية)

The InnovAgroWoMed training track Medenine, Tunisia includes in-person and online theoretical and practical training, as well as field visits and support sessions.
In addition to technical training on the transformation of fishing products, the “Transformation Agents” course (Employment path/ Medenine) includes topics related to institutional culture, digital empowerment, social innovation, social inclusion, sustainable development, and life skills (soft skills).

MoreThanAJob training sessions for social economy and public offices actors

More than 700 social economy actors and 150 representatives of public administration from Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, and Italy participated in localized training sessions, emphasizing community empowerment and sustainable development ,also focused on improving collaboration , fostering more effective partnerships to promote community development and welfare enhancement.

MoreThanAJob train the trainer Workshops

More than 18 professionals specializing in social and labor inclusion participated in five online cross-border train-the-trainer workshops. These workshops focused on topics related to social economy and strategies to assist local actors in enhancing the provision of welfare services. The sessions covered areas relevant to Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, and Italy.

MoreThanAJob: 10 pilot projects to promote social and employment inclusion of vulnerable groups

The MoreThanAJob project has successfully funded 10 pilot subgrants for co-production initiatives in collaboration with public authorities and SSE entities. These subgrants have led to direct benefits for over 3,000 individuals through the implementation of pilot projects.

MoreThanAJob 10 agreements signed between social economy actors and public administrations

10 agreements signed between social economy actors and public administrations for the development of initiatives supporting social and labour inclusion of vulnerable groups

MoreThanAJob New/improved policy suggestions report

The MoreThanAJob project has successfully developed new improved policy suggestions through consultations with public administration representatives in target countries, these suggestions have been tailored to maximize the benefits of applying the MoreThanAJob framework.

MoreThanAJob Policy Briefs: Improving policies for the development of more efficient welfare services

Three policy briefs on important social innovation topics were created during the project. Chosen for their relevance and potential impact, they were developed with regional partners and a consultant, validated, and then disseminated through workshops and webinars. These briefs provide detailed recommendations for policymakers aiming to promote social innovation effectively.

MoreThanAJob framework of social schemes and guidelines for its implementation

The MoreThanAJob framework, developed by the project consortium, targets Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors addressing unemployment, education, and refugee issues. It provides guidance for innovative social inclusion interventions and access to project sub-grants. Public administration officials are also engaged to improve social inclusion policies. The framework integrates best practices from various countries, offering guidelines for implementation tailored to local contexts, including regulatory compliance, translation, and infrastructure integration.

MoreThanAJob Interactive e-portal platform

An online multilingual structured database and an interactive space to foster dialogue and cooperation among local actors for the development of more inclusive and accessible services

TRANSDAIRY Co-Publications

The TRANSDAIRY Co-Publications refer to scientific publications that result from collaborative efforts within the TRANSDAIRY project. These publications typically involve multiple partners working together to produce research findings, insights, or advancements in the field of dairy science. By combining expertise and resources from different institutions, these co-publications contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of dairy-related research and innovation.

TRANSDAIRY Virtuous cases report

A detailed description of case studies of technological innovations and technical assets applied in the Dairy Value Chain across the Mediterranean that was used to promote the technology transfer through TRANSDAIRY's Living Labs