

INTECMED in Spain celebrates the Mediterranean Innovation Hub

INTECMED project, in collaboration with the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce (ASCAME), is celebrating the Mediterranean Innovation Hub, a space for ground-breaking entrepreneurs across the Mediterranean to discover financing opportunities and present their success stories to investors. A space to generate business alliances and shape the future of the region. 

The Mediterranean Innovation Hub is happening in the frame of  MedaWeek 2022: The Week of Economic Leaders, the main economic event of the Mediterranean and organized by ASCAME. Its sixteenth past editions endorse its role as the meeting point for anyone intending to make business and build connections internationally. 

This special event will take place on the 17th of November 2022 in a face-to-face format at Casa Llotja de Mar in Barcelona. A full day of activities designed to offer the attendee a 360º experience of knowledge, inspiration, and networking.  

Hundreds of people are expected to attend the Mediterranean Innovation Hub in-person. The Mediterranean Business Angels, Egyptian Fintech Association, European Business Angels Network, McKinsey & Company in the Middle East, Centre Blockchain de Catalunya and Trans Capital Finance are just some of the organisations confirmed.  

Although this event is powered by INTECMED, another 6 ENI CBC MED projects will be participating: MEDUSA, ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM, MAIA-TAQA, iHERITAGE and EMPHASIS. Alongside with projects from other programmes such EUROPE-AID, Interreg MED, PRIMA and EMFAF. A total of 11 EU-funded projects will be involved in the Mediterranean Innovation Hub!

Find the agenda here.

Registrations through this link.

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