MedRiSSE Comparative Report and Analysis on co-production and public sector innovation

Project acronym:
Project title:
Innovations reproductibles dans le domaine de l'ESS pour la fourniture de services et la création d'emplois décents en appui de la reprise post-COVID-19
3.2 Social and solidarity economy
Title of deliverable:
MedRiSSE Comparative Report and Analysis on co-production and public sector innovation
An in-depth comparative report and analysis on co-production and public sector innovation was completed, providing a comprehensive understanding of the social innovation elements of the 5 capitalised projects. The objective was to gain a broad understanding of how social innovation in the 5 projects was tackled and what the main issues and priorities to be considered for policy purposes are. Several focus groups and interviews/surveys with 5 project teams were organized to define the concept of social innovation and its impact in target countries.
Keep Keywords:
Gouvernance et partenariat ; Capacité d'innovation et sensibilisation ; Transfert de connaissances et technologique ; Marché du travail et emploi ; Planification régionale et développement ; PME et entrepreneuriat ; Inclusion sociale et égalité des chances