AQUACYCLE: Do not miss out on your copy of our fourth e-Newsletter!


Did you know?

AQUACYCLE e-Newsletters are issued in the five working languages of our partnership: Arabic, English, French, Greek and Spanish!

With 374 hits in one year, the register to our e-newsletter post was the most visited page on AQUACYCLE’s project website for the period November 2019 – November 2020!

What are you waiting for?

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What are we celebrating?

The fourth issue of the AQUACYCLE e-Newsletter celebrates the launch of the AQUACYCLE e-Training Platform.

Angeliki Fotiadou, Vasilis Chatzis and Rizos-Theodoros Chadoulis, researchers at the Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas (CERTH), report on the scope and functionality of an e-Training Platform which is concerned with the project’s eco-innovative APOC System for the treatment of domestic wastewater.

In addition to providing highly interactive and also fun-styled educational and training material on each of the three components of the APOC System, i.e. the Anaerobic Digester, the Constructed Wetlands and the Solar Raceway Pond Reactor, they explain how the platform will enable you to connect, establish and maintain synergies with leading experts and professionals on the design and operation of each of these components!

And yes, as Lead-Beneficiary, the CERTH team also wish to take this opportunity to encourage readers to join the AQUACYCLE Partnership in a Special Session, with the theme Sustainable Management of Water in the Mediterranean, during the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology (CEST2021) Conference, which will take place in Athens, Greece during 1 to 4 September 2021.