The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

TEC-MED model

The TEC-MED project aimed to develop and pilot a socio-ethic and cross-cultural care model in 6 countries from the Mediterranean basin (Spain, Greece, Italy, Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia). As a results of the formative research carried out in the work package 3, the state of the art, which consists in three activities: analysis of the 20 most promising initiatives in Europe and the Mediterranean basin aimed to the social care of elderly, analysis of the current social care systems in the countries participants though semiestructured interviews and SWOT analysis, a gap analysis through a Delphi study, and, finaly the TEC-MED model development and validation with experts in several meetings. The TEC-MED model is an integrative person-cented model of care for dependent and/or at risk of exclusion elderly people. It has six dimensions (subject of care, social and health providers, environment and system of care, technology, financing and governance), 5 key concepts (quality, research and dissemination, ethic, gender, social inclusion, transculturality), at the three level of management (micro, meso y macro level). The operationalization of the TEC-MED model could be a catalyst to promote quality services based on a socio-ethical and cross-cultural model for the elderly in the Mediterranean basin.


The WP3 “State of the art” was aimed to develop the foundation of the TEC-MED Model. It was composed of 3 activities sequenced over time. These activities were linked together, so that the result of the first activity allowed the development of the second and the third one. A.3.1.1. consisted in an integrative literature review in order to: 1) Analyze case studies about the most promising social care initiatives in Europe and the Mediterranean basin to elderly people with dependence and risk of social exclusion, and 2) analyze the social care models in the participants countries. A state of the art was developed and a checklists and semi-structured interview guide, in different languages, to be use in the next activity. A.3.1.2. consisted in the development of qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews and focus groups. With the results of these interviews and analyzing the background with the previous literature review a SWOT analysis to diagnosis the Social Care Practices in the participant countries was developed (Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia). Finally, in A.3.1.3, first, a consultation online technical Delphi panel was developed with expert from the participants countries. With all the previous information, the TEC-MED model, and them validated with expert in an international online workshop. Thanks to a deep literature review and to the consultation with 207 stakeholders related with vulnerable elderly population at micro, macro y mesolevel, as well as final beneficiaries.