CLUSTER showcases achievements at the Mediterranean Youth Academy, organized by the Union for the Mediterranean


The CLUSTER project was present in the framework of the Mediterranean Youth Academy, an initiative organized by the Union for the Mediterranean whose program aims at promoting awareness and involving youth in response to Mediterranean issues and challenges related to three topics: Climate Change & Climate Justice, Social Inclusion and Youth Employment.

In a significant representation at the Mediterranean Youth Academy (MYA), Suzan Barghouti, representing the Business Women Forum, Palestinian partner in the CLUSTER project, made a compelling intervention from Ramallah. Her presentation shed light on the project's objectives, as well as its initiatives and development. Further amplifying CLUSTER's presence at the academy, Oumaya Amghar from the IEMed, actively participated in the MYA’s reporting team focused on the theme of climate change.

Moreover, Managing Director of the Spanish Partner Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània (IEMed), Roger Albinyana, presented the notable achievements of the CLUSTER project at the "Event on Youth Engagement for a Sustainable Mediterranean," organized by the Union for the Mediterranean. The project demonstrated its impact and progress in the youth-focused event. The MYA provided a platform for showcasing how CLUSTER is contributing to the region's sustainability and occupation.

The CLUSTER project's multifaceted representation at the Mediterranean Youth Academy underscores its dedication to creating positive change, fostering cross-border collaboration, and empowering the next generation to tackle pressing issues such as climate change and youth and women’s employment in the Mediterranean region.