Co-Evolve4BG organised a participatory workshop in Murcia (Spain) on integrated coastal zone management and blue tourism


On 25th May 2023, a workshop organized by the university of Murcia (UMU) in the framework of the Co-Evolve4BG project took place at the Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos El Batel, Cartagena (Murcia). It was attended by 31 people involved in sustainable tourism mainly from the region.

The workshop had several objectives, among which the following stand out: 
1. To pave the way for the co-construction of action plans for sustainable practices in the tourism sector and in the blue economy in general in the region of Murcia; 
2. Developing a participatory approach by involving in the construction of these action plans the different stakeholders (authorities, tourism operators and professionals, fisheries representatives and professionals, decision-makers and planners, NGOs, citizens) in the region of Murcia; and 
3. to facilitate the transfer of the results obtained in the Co-Evolve4BG project. 

It was carried out through two distinct sessions: 
1. The first session aimed at introducing the context and diagnosis carried out in the project, gathering preliminary information on the specificities, opportunities, threats and/or governance in the region of Murcia and sharing a common vision. The information gathered was used to feed the following session. 
2. The second session aimed to identify, in a participatory way, potential priority initiatives and action plans, and who should carry them out, to increase the sustainability of actions related to tourism and the blue economy in the region of Murcia and to facilitate the transfer of the results obtained in the Co-Evolove4BG project. 

The speakers at the conference were:
1. Arnaldo Marín Atucha. Coordinator of Co-Evolve4BG in Spain. University of Murcia. 
2. Jesús E. Argente García. ThinkInAzul Team. University of Murcia.
3. Pedro Martínez Baños C&C Medio Ambiente.