A.3.1.1 Study area description

Project acronym:
Project title:
COastal Management and MOnitoring Network for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean sea
4.4 Integrated coastal zone management
Title of deliverable:
A.3.1.1 Study area description
This document outlines the study areas involved in the research conducted by the University of Siena, focusing on regions in Italy, Tunisia, and Lebanon. The primary purpose is to gather detailed information about these areas to identify common characteristics that can inform and streamline sampling activities. The document details the efforts to harmonize the results and enhance the efficiency of sampling protocols across different regions. This harmonization is crucial for ensuring consistent and accurate data collection, which will aid in environmental monitoring and research across the Mediterranean.

Keep Keywords:
Costal management and maritime issues
See the deliverable:
A.3.1.1 Study area description.pdf