A.4.2.1_Lebanese Report_Marine litter tackling in Lebanon actions and recommendations

Project acronym:
Project title:
COastal Management and MOnitoring Network for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean sea
4.4 Integrated coastal zone management
Title of deliverable:
A.4.2.1_Lebanese Report_Marine litter tackling in Lebanon actions and recommendations
This report consistes in the Lebanese national reports on tackling marine litter, offering actions and recommendations. It was the result of Activity 4.2.1: “Best Policies and Proposal Collection and Fine-Tuning,” which aims to gather concrete good practices, best experiences, and innovative ideas for marine litter disposal from stakeholders in each involved country and across the Mediterranean. The objective is to improve waste management reviews, community-based methodologies, waste reduction regulations, individual and corporate behaviors, and communication strategies. Recommendations are derived from training sessions, awareness days, scientific activities (such as beach monitoring, microplastic sampling, and biota analysis), and networks established during the project.
Keep Keywords:
Costal management and maritime issues