E-commerce platform

Project acronym:
Project title:
Fishery Mediterranean Network
1.2 Euro-Mediterranean economic clusters
Title of deliverable:
E-commerce platform
FISH MED NET aims to reach as many fishing communities as possible by supporting and promoting the cooperation among all fishers involved in the Mediterranean. The e-commerce platform collects and shows all the small enterprises and cooperatives active in the tourism, food, aquaculture and servicestocommunity cluster in the Mediterranean area. It includes the profile of the counselling desk, to provide information on how to become part of this Mediterranean community to conduct the business activity in complete harmony with their local community all in respect of the United Nations Sustainalbe Development Goals (UN SDGs). The counseling desk will be able to assist fishers by providing the necessary documentation to register your own SME, to explain how the Business Alliances can help boost your business and begin this positive environment of cooperation. The e-commerce platform collects synergies with other ENI CBC MED projects e-platform active in blue and green economy.
E-tools and platforms
Keep Keywords:
Agriculture and fisheries and forestry ; Costal management and maritime issues ; SME and entrepreneurship ; Tourism ; Water management