Euro-Mediterranean Open Innovation Network Handbook development

Project acronym:
Project title:
Euro-Mediterranean Network Facilitating Market Uptake of Innovations from SMEs
2.2 SMEs access to research and innovation
Title of deliverable:
Euro-Mediterranean Open Innovation Network Handbook development
The experience and the feedback gained from these workshops will be integrated into a “EuroMED Open Innovation Network Handbook” which will be offered to policy makers, intermediaries, and agencies in EU & MPC countries. Correction measures and actions will be integrated for fine-tuning, guiding, or even shifting (if necessary) the delivery mechanism or the nature of services offered addressed. Feasibility and financial sustainability planning including roadmap for post project activities.
Keep Keywords:
Evaluation systems and results ; Governance, partnership ; Innovation capacity and awareness-raising ; Institutional cooperation and cooperation networks ; SME and entrepreneurship
See the deliverable:
C_A.2.2_0022 EMPHASIS_Α.6.1.1.pdf