GREENLAND: deepened labour market analysis report

Project acronym:
Project title:
GREEN-skiLls for a sustAiNable Development
3.1 Professionalization of young people (NEETS) and women
Title of deliverable:
GREENLAND: deepened labour market analysis report
This study, implemented under the GREENLAND project, falls within the broader scope of a Market Analysis and Data Profiling assignment and constitutes the first phase. The overall aim of this phase is to identify sectors with the greatest potential for economic growth and for offering employment opportunities for the Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) and Women within Green and Circular Economies (GaCEs), reducing the mismatch between their skills and the labor market. A closer look at the economies of the seven addressed countries (Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Portugal, Greece) highlights the worrying trends while simultaneously accentuating a potential for the promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty through providing young people (especially NEETs) and women with marketable skills.
Keep Keywords:
Education and training ; Labour market and employment ; Social inclusion and equal opportunities