GREENLAND: NEETs profiling and roadmap report

Project acronym:
Project title:
GREEN-skiLls for a sustAiNable Development
3.1 Professionalization of young people (NEETS) and women
Title of deliverable:
GREENLAND: NEETs profiling and roadmap report
This report has been prepared on behalf of nine partners working in seven countries (Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Portugal, Greece) under the GREENLAND project. It aims to map the Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) and develop a roadmap focused on the potential of enhancing their employability within the Green and Circular Economy (GaCE), while providing equal opportunities to both genders. The analysis is based on a first phase that focused on a Labor Market Analysis to identify sectors with the greatest potential for economic growth and for offering employment opportunities; a second phase that focused on compiling a database of NEETs and women on the one hand and SMEs and other companies on the other hand in relevance to project actions; a third and final phase that provides a roadmap and recommendations for training courses that have the potential to bridge NEETs to the labor market while promoting a GaCE.
Keep Keywords:
Education and training ; Labour market and employment ; Social inclusion and equal opportunities