The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection tools catalogue in Arabic

In the framework of the Project PANACeA, the MED Biodiversity Protection Community built the present Catalogue of tools for biodiversity protection in Mediterranean MPAs, covering different needs and requirements for ecosystem-based management. This Catalogue is an update and extension of a previous report developed in the context of PANACeA, which included a preliminary version of some of the tools for ecosystem-based management in the Mediterranean, being developed by the Biodiversity Protection Community projects during the year 2018.
The tools included in this version of the Catalogue updated in 2022 are classified into several types: monitoring tools; management tools; geospatial tools; financial tools and other tools.
The tools catalogue is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection tools catalogue

In the framework of the Project PANACeA, the MED Biodiversity Protection Community built the present Catalogue of tools for biodiversity protection in Mediterranean MPAs, covering different needs and requirements for ecosystem-based management. This Catalogue is an update and extension of a previous report developed in the context of PANACeA, which included a preliminary version of some of the tools for ecosystem-based management in
the Mediterranean, being developed by the Biodiversity Protection Community projects during the year 2018.
The tools included in this version of the Catalogue updated in 2022 are classified into several types: monitoring tools; management tools; geospatial tools; financial tools and other tools.
The tools catalogue is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

OENOMED : Comment avoir accès à la marque Reservin ?

Pour accéder à la marque Reservin, les MPME doivent se conformer à un règlement d'usage détaillé ainsi qu'à un cahier des charges, désormais disponibles. Ces documents définissent les normes et les directives que les producteurs de vin doivent suivre pour être éligibles à la marque. Une déclaration d'engagement accompagne ces documents, engageant formellement les producteurs dans une démarche de durabilité et de respect des critères Reservin. Un schéma informatif simplifie la compréhension du processus d'adhésion à la marque Reservin. Cette représentation visuelle, claire et concise, résume les étapes suivies par les 43 MPME actuellement en possession de la marque Reservin, exposant ainsi la manière dont ils ont réussi à obtenir cette distinction tant recherchée. En unissant les producteurs de différents pays autour de ces valeurs communes, la marque Reservin émerge comme un leader incontesté dans le panorama vinicole mondial. Reservin s'engage collectivement en faveur de pratiques responsables au sein de la vitiviniculture, incitant non seulement à la préservation de l'environnement, mais également à une compréhension plus approfondie et éclairée du monde vitivinicole. En favorisant l'adoption de pratiques culturales durables, Reservin ouvre la voie vers un avenir où la qualité du vin s'harmonise parfaitement avec la responsabilité environnementale, répondant ainsi aux attentes éthiques et gustatives des consommateurs avertis.

La charte MED de OENOMED : Une vision commune de la viticulture durable

Le projet OENOMED a élaboré quatre Chartes Locales pour les régions méditerranéennes clés, à savoir la Tunisie :Boukornine, l'Italie : Parco regionale dei Castelli Romani, la France : Minervois et Bassin de Thau et le Liban : la réserve biosphère Chouf. Chaque charte est adaptée aux spécificités de son territoire respectif, tout en partageant une vision commune de la viticulture durable qui est la charte MED.De plus, une analyse et une évaluation rigoureuses des Chartes Locales (Tunisienne, Italienne, française et libanaise) ont été effectuées en conformité avec les critères de l'Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin (OIV). Les versions finales des Chartes Locales ont été échangées entre les partenaires scientifiques, garantissant ainsi leur cohérence et leur pertinence.

Reservin : une marque collective de garantie, témoin d'un engagement pour une viti-vini-culture durable (Projet OENOMED)

La marque Reservin, née du projet OENOMED, se distingue en tant que label privé. Son objectif est d'assurer la durabilité des vins tout en favorisant des pratiques respectueuses de l'environnement, avec une traçabilité minutieuse du raisin. Enregistrée dans les pays partenaires du projet comme la Tunisie, le Liban, la France et l'Italie, ainsi que dans l'Union européenne, le Royaume-Uni et la Suisse, Reservin transcende les frontières, unissant des producteurs de vin variés autour d'une vision commune axée sur la durabilité. Ces pays partenaires, unis dans leur engagement en faveur de pratiques responsables, tracent ainsi l'avenir de la vitiviniculture des zones protégées de la Méditerranée. Au cœur de l'approche Reservin se trouve une check-list établie avec des critères minimaux indispensables pour l'obtention du label. Cette liste a été soigneusement élaborée pour évaluer la conformité des vins aux normes de durabilité telles que définies dans les chartes locales et la charte Med établies par le projet OENOMED. Elle représente un ensemble de critères que les producteurs de vin doivent respecter pour prétendre à l'admission à la marque collective Reservin. À ce jour, 43 MPME tunisiennes, italiennes, libanaises et françaises, spécialisées dans la production de vins à proximité et au sein des zones protégées de la Méditerranée (zones d'intervention du projet OENOMED), ont satisfait à l'ensemble de ces critères et bénéficient désormais de l'accès à la marque collective Reservin. La check-list Reservin représente un engagement tangible en faveur du vin durable. Les MPME qui adhèrent à cette démarche démontrent non seulement leur attachement à des pratiques vitivinicoles responsables, mais contribuent également à façonner un avenir durable pour la vitiviniculture des zones protégées de la Méditerranée.

2.8.2_Catalogue of innovations multifunctional olive systems Jordan

Having identified potentially useful innovations for Mediterranean multifunctional olive systems, the partners of LIVINGAGRO project developed a dedicated Catalogue intended to provide an overview of some of the innovations that may be useful to stakeholders involved with multifunctional olive systems in order to help bring together economic stakeholders and innovators who may be able to collaborate to solve common problems. This activity included assessing the stage of readiness of a potential innovation in Jordan, as well as which type of challenges it addresses.
Taking into consideration the needs expressed by Jordan stakeholders, the research team of the Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.) in collaboration with the National Agricultural Research Center of Jordan (NARC) and their technical teams reviewed the information provided. Following this review, the working group went back to the innovators to address questions and fill in gaps, then incorporated the responses into the innovation descriptions. The Catalogue includes innovations related to intercropping in olive groves, olive tree and olive oil authentication.

2.8.2_Catalogue of innovations grazed woodlands Lebanon

Having identified potentially useful innovations for Mediterranean grazed woodlands, the partners of LIVINGAGRO project developed a dedicated Catalogue intended to provide an overview of some of the innovations that may be useful to stakeholders involved with grazed woodlands in order to help bring together economic stakeholders and innovators who may be able to collaborate to solve common problems. This activity included assessing the stage of readiness of a potential innovation in Lebanon, as well as which type of challenges it addresses.

Taking into consideration the needs expressed by Lebanese stakeholders, the research team of the Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.) in collaboration with the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) and their technical teams reviewed the information provided. Following this review, the working group went back to the innovators to address questions and fill in gaps, then incorporated the responses into the innovation descriptions. The Catalogue includes innovations related to restoration and valorising landscapes and other ecosystems services and agronomy for sustainable agroforestry systems.

2.8.2_Catalogue of innovations grazed woodlands Jordan

Having identified potentially useful innovations for Mediterranean grazed woodlands, the partners of LIVINGAGRO project developed a dedicated Catalogue intended to provide an overview of some of the innovations that may be useful to stakeholders involved with grazed woodlands in order to help bring together economic stakeholders and innovators who may be able to collaborate to solve common problems. This activity included assessing the stage of readiness of a potential innovation in Jordan, as well as which type of challenges it addresses.

Taking into consideration the needs expressed by Jordan stakeholders, the research team of the Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.) in collaboration with the National Agricultural Research Center of Jordan (NARC) and their technical teams reviewed the information provided. Following this review, the working group went back to the innovators to address questions and fill in gaps, then incorporated the responses into the innovation descriptions. The Catalogue includes innovations related to restoration and valorising landscapes and other ecosystems services and agronomy for sustainable agroforestry systems.

2.8.1_Catalogue of innovations multifunctional olive systems & grazed woodlands Greece

Having identified potentially useful innovations for Mediterranean multifunctional olive systems and grazed woodlands, the partners of LIVINGAGRO project developed a dedicated Catalogue intended to provide an overview of some of the innovations that may be useful to stakeholders involved with multifunctional olive systems and grazed woodlands, in order to help bring together economic stakeholders and innovators who may be able to collaborate to solve common problems. This activity included assessing the stage of readiness of a potential innovation in Greece, as well as which type of challenges it addresses.

Taking into consideration the needs expressed by Greek stakeholders, the research team of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) and the technical team reviewed the information provided. Following this review, the working group went back to the innovators to address questions and fill in gaps, then incorporated the responses into the innovation descriptions. The Catalogue includes innovations related to intercropping in olive groves, precision agriculture, machinery, health benefit determination, olive tree and olive oil authentication, preparation for climate change and re-use of traditional practices in agroforestry.

2.8.1_Catalogue of innovations multifunctional olive systems Lebanon

Having identified potentially useful innovations for Mediterranean multifunctional olive systems, the partners of LIVINGAGRO project developed a dedicated Catalogue intended to provide an overview of some of the innovations that may be useful to stakeholders involved with multifunctional olive systems in order to help bring together economic stakeholders and innovators who may be able to collaborate to solve common problems. This activity included assessing the stage of readiness of a potential innovation in Lebanon, as well as which type of challenges it addresses.

Taking into consideration the needs expressed by Lebanese stakeholders, the research team of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) in collaboration with the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) and their technical teams reviewed the information provided. Following this review, the working group went back to the innovators to address questions and fill in gaps, then incorporated the responses into the innovation descriptions. The Catalogue includes innovations related to precision agriculture, re-using of traditional practices in agroforestry, preparation for climate change, harvest and post-harvest managements and agronomy for sustainable agroforestry systems.

The MedArtSal Operational plan and guidelines for policy development

This document illustrates an Operational Plan for the development of policies for the sustainable management of Mediterranean artisanal salinas, from an Ecosystem-Based Management perspective. The purpose of the document is to develop different strategic lines that improve the sustainability of the salinas. The plan's objectives include utilising a sustainability model and identifying constraints and opportunities for implementing the model. A specific sub-operational plan has been discussed for the four MedArtSal partner countries (Lebanon, Tunisia, Italy and Spain) highlighting the primary challenges faced by artisanal salt producers in keeping salt pans in operation in a profitable and sustainable manner, as well as the potential solutions and opportunities.

MEDWAYCAP Innovation camp guideline

This document provides clear guidelines for developing the goal-oriented MEDWAYCAP Innovation Camps and future sustainable multilevel meetings. It supports the MEDWAYCAP experts in the
identification of thematic challenges, challenge owners and the related stakeholders by capitalizing the
best existing methodology for innovative and creative participatory approaches.
The guidelines describe how the MEDWAYCAP Innovation Camps integrate design thinking
principles in the project to address its general and specific objectives of defining a Mediterranean pathway
for Innovation Capitalisation toward an urban-rural integrated development of Non-Conventional Water