The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

MED4EBM Final Ecosysyem Based Management Report

This deliverable presents a comprehensive overview of the MED4EBM project, aimed at contributing to the preservation and sustainable development of Mediterranean coastal zones. The report outlines the project's objectives, methodologies, and outcomes, focusing on the establishment of effective ecosystem-based Integrated Coastal Zone Management (EB-ICZM) protocols. It highlights the innovative Integrated Spatial Planning (PROGES-ISP) package developed to facilitate EBM implementation through participatory and evidence-based approaches. The deliverable emphasizes the collaboration with stakeholders, including local authorities, NGOs, research institutions, and the private sector, towards achieving the project's goals. The report serves as a valuable resource for understanding the challenges and opportunities associated with ICZM and EBM integration in the Mediterranean region.

Environmental Monitoring & Data Management: Final Consultancy Report

Explore our comprehensive final report, summarizing the Environmental Monitoring and Data Management Expert consultancy's findings and recommendations. This report synthesizes initial assessments with technical interventions to enhance system consistency across Project Partners. Gain insights into system diagrams, indicator implementation, GIS vectors, and data repositories, with strategic recommendations for managing existing and new data effectively while ensuring system flexibility and precision in ecosystem analysis, along with the GIS mapping of Aqaba in Jordan.

المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed باجة، تونس

يقدم المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed باجة، تونس تدريبًا نظريًا وعمليًا شخصيًا وعبر الإنترنت، بالإضافة إلى زيارات ميدانية وجلسات دعم. يتضمن مسار "وكلاء الجيل" (ريادة الأعمال / باجة) تدريب فني وتقني في صناعة الاجبان هذا بالضافة الى محاور متعلقة بإدارة الأعمال والتعاونيات والتمكين الرقمي والابتكار الاجتماعي والإدماج الاجتماعي والتنمية المستدامة.

The InnovAgroWoMed training track Beja, Tunisia offers in-person and online theoretical and practical training, as well as site visits and support sessions. The “Generation Agents” track (Entrepreneurship / Beja) includes technical training in the cheese industry, in addition to topics related to business management, cooperatives, digital empowerment, social innovation, social inclusion, and sustainable development.

سيدات InnovAgroWoMed: سيدات النجاح

يروي هذا الكتيب رحلة المستفيدات من المشروع الاتي أصبحن عملاء للتغيير

InnovAgroWoMed Capitalization Report

The objective of this document is to retrace the life of the InnovAgroWoMed project, the identification of managerial situations, the strategy and management of communication, the process and approaches of the training and coaching programme launched by the project in its 4 partner countries, the launch and the implementation of the sub-grant, the expertise and involvement of Human Resources, etc. The aim is to build up, in the long term, a bank of good practices that can be adapted on a case-by-case basis to the different types of future projects of the ENI CBC Med Programme or any other similar programme.

Training to empower: designing a new skills set for women-led social innovation in agri-food

The aim of this document is to homogeneously present the research activities and the development of the new training models carried out by all research units. To do so, the report is organized as follows:
The first chapter illustrates the research framework and methodologies employed, and describes the research guidelines defined by the coordinating unit, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Then, four country specific chapters (2-5) report the activities carried out in each region: the first one presents the work performed by CESIE team (Sicily-Italy), the second one by ASALA team (Palestine), the third one by JOVESÓLIDES team (Valencia-Spain) and the last one by CAWTAR team (Tunisia). The first section of each partners’ chapter provides an overview of the team and the local context where the project was implemented, then the aim is to resume relevant information achieved through the desk research, related to the local context features and the existing training programs concerning the agri-food in the specific region.
Then, a section dedicated to the field research presents a list of the stakeholders engaged, underlying what is their expected contribution to the project, in a direct or indirect way, also in terms of post-training employability; in the same section the value chains and products selected by each unit are explained.
Section 3 of each chapter is dedicated to the local training needs, seen as skills and competences required by the job market and the entrepreneurial context, identifying a gap that will be filled through the provision of the training course.
The last section introduces the training model realized on the basis of local training needs retraced, divided in cross-cutting and sectorial topics. The training course will be as unified as possible, even if each unit decides how to differentiate training contents, especially through the definition of two different profiles identified as
agent for creation and agent for transition.
Chapter 6 concludes, providing an overview of the training curricula developed by each partner.


This booklet tells the journey of InnovAgroWoMed beneficiaries who became agents of change

المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed مدنين، تونس

يتظمن المسار التدريبي InnovAgroWoMed مدنين، تونس تدريبًا نظريًا وعمليًا شخصيًا وعبر الإنترنت، بالإضافة إلى زيارات ميدانية وجلسات دعم.
بالإضافة إلى التدريب الفني حول تحويل منتوجات الصيد البحري، تتضمن دورة "وكلاء التحول" (التوظيف / مدنين) موضوعات مرتبطة بالثقافة المؤسسية والتمكين الرقمي والابتكار الاجتماعي والاندماج الاجتماعي والتنمية المستدامةوالمهارات الحياتية (المهارات الشخصية)

The InnovAgroWoMed training track Medenine, Tunisia includes in-person and online theoretical and practical training, as well as field visits and support sessions.
In addition to technical training on the transformation of fishing products, the “Transformation Agents” course (Employment path/ Medenine) includes topics related to institutional culture, digital empowerment, social innovation, social inclusion, sustainable development, and life skills (soft skills).

Successful Completion of MED4EBM Project Activities - Final presentations

We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the MED4EBM project activities, executed collaboratively by partners from Tunisia (INSTM), Jordan (UNDP-Amman and JREDS), and Italy (PROGES and Adt), on September 21, 2023. This milestone marks a significant achievement in the implementation of ecosystem-based management in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS), Amici della Terra - Toscana, and the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP extend their heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team, collaborators, and participants whose unwavering commitment made this success possible.

Glass-bottom Boats Tourism Data Collection in Aqaba - final report

The MED4EBM Project introduces an innovative approach to Integrated Coastal Zone Management across four target areas: Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, and Italy. In Jordan, the project identified fisheries and sustainable coastal tourism as priority management issues. This research deliverable focuses on the glass-bottom boat tourism sector in Aqaba, Jordan—a significant contributor to the region's tourism industry and livelihoods of around 200 families. Aqaba Touristic Boats Society, established in June 1994, actively engaged in field data collection for the first time, appointing a specialist and three assistants to gather insights on this traditional and culturally valuable craft. The dataset includes key metrics such as gasoline usage, travel distance, revenue, and visitor demographics, offering valuable insights into the operational aspects and popularity of glass-bottom boat tours in Aqaba. This analysis serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the dynamics of this eco-friendly tourism activity, its economic impact, and the need for sustainable management practices to preserve Aqaba's rich marine heritage and support its vibrant tourism sector.

Fisheries Management Data Analysis Deliverable

The fourth consultancy deliverable of the MED4EBM project presents a comprehensive analysis of fish catch data and associated fishing operations in the coastal zone of Aqaba, Jordan. Conducted between 28th August and 28th September 2023, this analysis focuses on key metrics such as fish counts (Kg), number of fishing trips, total catch (Kg), petrol consumption (JD), and fishing value (JD) across various locations including ACT, OPS, OPLB, HB, and OPM. The data reveals dynamic patterns in fishing efforts and returns, with notable fluctuations during specific periods and distinct trends across different fishing sites. Swordfish emerges as the dominant species, while other species display varying success rates. "ACT" consistently excels in fish count (Kg) and fishing trips, with "OPM" showing higher trends, indicating their potential attractiveness to fishermen. This analysis underscores the importance of careful fisheries management in the Jordanian coastal area, encompassing approximately 27KM with restricted fishing zones. It sets the groundwork for long-term, reliable data gathering, involving the fishing community directly to sustain their livelihoods and preserve the cultural heritage of traditional fishing practices while ensuring the viability of fisheries and regenerative fishing stocks in the region.

MED4EBM Data Gathering Campaign - Aqaba Diving Associations

This deliverable encompasses a comprehensive study conducted in collaboration with ten partner diving clubs, focusing on diving-related activities and reef check surveys across selected diving sites. The study aims to quantify visitation frequency, map diving loads, and provide daily environmental conditions at the sites. Additionally, it includes detailed Reef Check monitoring and descriptions of diving site attractions, facilities, and environmental stressors. The study's results are presented in this report, with detailed data provided in separate excel files for further analysis.