Discover MENAWARA glossary on water re-use


MENAWARA's glossary of terms, tools and technologies on water re-use is online and translated into 6 languages.

The glossary's goal is to enrich the popular knowledge about environmental issues around waste water, water reclamation and reuse practices and to facilitate communication among different disciplines.

Visit the MENAWARA/MEDWAYCAP platform ( to learn about state-of-the-art technology, standards, legislation and commonly used words in the field of non conventional water uses in Mediterranean countries. 

Explore the definitions in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Greek and Arabic

Our first entry is Blue Water:

Surface and groundwater that is stored in rivers, lakes, aquifers and dams and can be extracted for human use (Falkenmark and Rockström 2006).

المياه السطحية والجوفية المخزنة في الأنهار والبحيرات والأبار والسدود والتي يمكن استخراجها للاستخدام البشري                                    

FR: Eaubleu; IT: acqua blu (superficiale e sotterranea); ES: agua azul; GR: «Γαλάζιο νερό» (Νερό βροχοπτώσεων)

AR: المياء الزرقاء