ENI CBC Med Programme brings cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean back to ‘life’


After almost two years of meetings and exchanges through screens, it was time to give new impetus to cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean. It is with this objective in mind that the ENI CBC Med Programme marked the launch of 16 new projects by organizing a face-to-face event and training for the lead beneficiaries in Barcelona on November 23 and 24.

The launch of these so-called ‘capitalization’ projects is a first for ENI CBC Med because they are based on the results of other ongoing or past projects of different programs that work for better cooperation in the Mediterranean. Through these projects, the Programme intends to promote active and operational synergies with other initiatives in the Mediterranean, in particular the Union for the Mediterranean, PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) and Interreg Med programmess, to identify, promote and transfer good practices while feeding public policies at the local level.

During a first roundtable, the representatives of the said institutions and of the European Commission were able to share their vision for delivering a better and more impactful cooperation

The cooperation with ENI CBC Med is working very well. We really appreciated the modalities developed by the Programme to draft the terms of reference of the call for capitalization projects through a collaborative mechanism in which the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean has been fully involved.
We worked hard to launch the call for capitalization projects in a challenging period. For the first time, we are putting together the results from different programmes and initiatives to reinforce the impact of cooperation in the Mediterranean area.
Capitalization is about doing better together. We don’t nee the reinvent the wheel but benefit from the experience of others to make the most of what they achieved.
Capitalization projects are a result of the coordination between transnational programmes. 

The second roundtable gathered the National Contact Points, representing participating countries, who discussed their expectations on the capitalization projects and more generally their commitment in the Programme.

Capitalization is what we need to showcase the results of our projects and improve policy development and instruments.
Capitalization was a new term for us. We had a bit of concern on how we could pass this concept to our potential beneficiaries and stakeholders. The results of the call - 8 Palestinian organizations, including one lead beneficiary, involved on 7 different projects – show that the Programme did a good job in making the concept of capitalization clear.
The ENI CBC Med fits perfectly within our national priorities.
Building trust among partners, deploying the necessary capacities and resources, optimizing time and ensuring sustainability are the key ingredients for a successful project implementation.

In a region such as the Mediterranean, subject to huge challenges for the professional integration of young people and women, threatened by climate change and an economy which has not been spared from the consequences of the pandemic, joining up forces and working in close cooperation is essential to use the available fundings in the best possible way and to ensure that they benefit the people concerned.

The training that followed allowed coordinators to familiarize themselves with the rules for management of ENI CBC Med projects while communication managers were able to discuss and practice the adoption of a language more accessible to the public in order to better tell to the results of their projects and this through practical exercises.

The training really opened my mind. I think I was more in the mood of institutional, traditional communication but I saw a lot of new ideas which will be very useful during the implementation of the project.
The training was very dynamic and I appreciate the idea of exercises and working together. It’s not only us coming here, sitting and listening. It’s also about being part of the training.

Happy is the word that best describes this event: happy to meet, to meet again and to take the time to get to know each other in order to cooperate better.

The Managing Authority, the Joint Technical Secretariat and the Programme Branch offices would like to thank all the participants as well as the TESIM experts for their support.

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