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The Federation of Egyptian Industrieslaunch is launching an event to the local stakeholders to inform about CLUSTER4GREEN project

The Federation of Egyptian Industries, Member of CLUSTER4GREEN project Financed by the European Union and part of ENI CBCMED, is glad to announce the Cluster4Green launching event to the local stakeholders to inform audience about the importance of the CLUSTER4GREEN model for catalyzing and aggregating investment management strategies andcircular economy practices at the ENI Med area,and accompanied by Common Strategy design workshop.

The workshop will illustrate to the local stakeholders private and public objectives and the major areas of circular economy. Why circular economy is important to manufacture? What does it mean to implement circular economy and its benefits? National initiatives towards circular economy. Add value of circularity to the SME and future opportunities.

Next steps for mutual collaboration between Federation of Egyptian Industries as member in CLUSTER4GREEN and the local representatives. This event will take place in 24th of November, 2022 at Plaza hotel Alexandria.


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