The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

Best Practices in Water, Energy and Food Nexus ecosystem in the European-Mediterranean Partner Countries Region

This document summarizes the key findings derived from the NEX-LABS project activities analyzing a series of best practices in the current Water Energy and Food (WEF) ecosystem in the NEX-LABS project partnering countries.

This list of best practices is an essential ingredient for building a catalogue for the NEXUS ecosystem in the European - Mediterranean Partner Countries (EU-MPC) region.
The summarized findings were derived from a qualitative analysis approach that has been deployed to define the best practice per each country.

NEX-LABS Joint Action Plan Recommendations.

After setting the priorities, specific and targeted recommendations were found imperative to outline the action plan that would ultimately generate an informed strategy, supporting the implementation of Living Labs (LLs) and ensuring the success of the intended Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus approach. As such, consecutive sessions with partners were organized that were diverse and ranged between virtual meetings and in person workshops that resembled the intended LLs. The MURAL, an interactive online platform, was used to host partners of these projects and experts in the field, engaging in discussions and fulfilling tasks required for the development of the Nexus Joint Action Plan (NJAP). The MURAL incorporated a series of steps to be followed during various sessions. The tool built upon the recommendations from previous NEX-LABS activities, implementing measures to assess and prioritize the necessary actions. As such, over several meetings and focus group discussions, partners were able to assign several targeted actions for the pre-assigned recommendations, identify the timeline and impacts of the actions, assigned scores, and ranked the priorities, by that validating the
determined priorities.

MYSEA Policy Papers

Policy documents of Italy and Lebanon, jointly developed with and for local institutions, for the promotion of job opportunities and skills development.

NEX-LABS Agora: a social hub for clean technologies in the Mediterranean region

The NEX-LABS Agora is a semantic search engine and a social hub addressed to Mediterranean institutions, policy-makers, startups, SMEs researchers, civil society’s actors interested in the implementation of clean ICT technologies for sustainable and resilient growth of agri-food sector production based on a more efficient use of energy and water.

Mediterranean Policy Document

This document focuses on the requirements for the development of policy frameworks for the application of Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) solutions, promoting the outcomes of stakeholder discussions undertaken in the countries participating in the NAWAMED Project – Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan, with a view of presenting a regional (Mediterranean) policy vision for the promotion of NCWR solutions in the region.

RESTART MED - Country sustainable tourism policy reviews

A review of the sustainable tourism policies of the countries involved in the project: Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Spain, Tunisia.

CROSSDEV - Crossborder agreements

Three agreements signed within the project on communication/marketing actions, cooperation among universities, and the sustainability of the newly developed online platform.

Slow Tourism Products (Med Pearls)

A total of 190 Slow Tourism packages were developed by 19 sub-grantees spread in the 6 countries of the project. These are ready to be booked by visitors and tourists and to be embedded in the Med Pearls promotional & commercialization channels (i.e. Breathing Land website).

Med Pearls Network

Med Pearls has been a cross-border project to internationally position the Mediterranean as an integral destination of quality and excellence for Slow Tourism. It has accelerated innovative initiatives built from public & private cooperation. As from the 13 Pearls of the Mediterranean pilot areas, created in 6 countries: Spain, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine, the project delivered a network of 19 DMCs and 10 ICT start-ups that involved an overall of 1.136 local providers.