FruitFlyNet-ii partners exchanged about the latest IT tools to fights against fruit and olive flies


In the third day of FruitFlyNet-ii final consortium meeting, the progress in the establishment and advances of Living Labs were presented and discussed. The Living Labs consist of a new approach in cross‐border EU research policies. In the frame of the project the aim is to advance the two Location Aware System (LAS) prototypes regarding the e-trap functioning and the e-services. Advances on both the olive and the med fly e-traps were presented, in terms of their functioning and operation. The use of drones for facilitating certain activities such as field digitalization, fruit infestation using thermal cameras, and spraying application has been explored too. Next activities will focus on automatic image recognition and other field data collection. The progress in publishing the results in Conferences has been very efficient with several oral presentations and posters whereas the production of articles has been advanced with several being at the final stage before submission to peer review journals. Finally, progress in communication and demonstrations were presented by the partners. Four demonstrations were already successfully organized by the partners in which a high number of farmers participated. The farmers and the other stakeholders expressed their strong interest in the project outcomes. Additional demonstrations are also scheduled up to the closure of the project.