GreenBuilding partners met in Tunisia to discuss on the energy renovation works!


The GreenBuilding partners met in Tunis, Tunisia, on November 21, 2022. BorjCedria Technopark Management Company (Tunisia), project partner of the "GreenBuilding" project, hosted the meeting in Tunisia. 

On this occasion, the GreenBuilding partners, namely: the Region of Peloponnese and the University of Patras from Greece, the BETA Technological Centre (BETA TC) of the Universitat de Vic, Spain, the Moukhtara Municipality, Lebanon and the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan, had the opportunity to visit the facilities of the Mohamed-Kassab Institute of Orthopedics, Tunisia, the building that is being refurbished thanks to ENI CBC Med Programme.

After the welcome of the building managers, the staff of the hospital along with the representatives from the BorjCedria Technopark Management Company (Tunisia) showed the partners the progress of the pilot works and had the opportunity to discuss the next steps and the remaining work to complete the pilot actions.

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