HELIOS reinforces its training in circular economy for NEETs thanks to a new agreement

Authors: Croce Monica Segretario, Valerio Li Puma

The future of the Mediterranean region is always greener: sustainable economic models like circular economy are the key to create new opportunities for young people and to reduce the environmental impact.

For this reason, HELIOS will strengthen its training action joining the efforts with the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC).

Let's find out more about SCP/RAC and this new synergy!

SCP/RAC is a centre for international cooperation with the mission to promote the shift to sustainable consumption and production patterns.

One of its tools to achieve this important goal, is the Switchers Support Programme.

The Switchers Support Programme provides support for green and circular business development through a strategy targeting green entrepreneurs, financial actors and policy makers. 

Switchers Support Programme aims to:

•    Support for the creation, incubation and acceleration of green and circular business models through the transfer of methodologies and toolkits for eco-design, green business development and social and environmental impact monitoring. 

•    Support to national and local authorities to accelerate the policy uptake of relevant sustainable innovations and best practices of the Green and Blue Economy.

•    Support on access to market and on access to finance by providing capacity-building, facilitating match-making with investors and launching new editions of the Switchers Fund Award.

•    Support on media outreach by increasing visibility of Mediterranean circular businesses through a Switchers Community.


What will the synergy produce?

The objective of this partnership is to increase the impact of sustainable business support actions in the Mediterranean, combining SCP/RAC’s and HELIOS know-how and best practices.

The capitalisation of resources, experiences and different tools developed will allow to strengthen actions to support young people and future green entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean basin thanks to the complementary objectives of HELIOS (education for employability and promotion) and Switchers (support to sustainable businesses).

In addition presentation sessions of TheSwitchers.org platform and its support tools for green entrepreneurs will be included during the training courses organised by the HELIOS in Italy, Tunisia, Jordan and Palestine in order to offer new methodologies and materials to participants.

Unity is strength, #GOMED #ONEMED!

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