HELIOS trains 100 people on sustainability to better prepare them to enter the labour market

Authors: Croce Monica Segretario, Valerio Li Puma

HELIOS project has started the "Blue and Circular Economy, Entrepreneurship and Soft Skills" training courses for young people and women from Italy, Spain, Greece, Tunisia, Palestine and Jordan.

Sustainability, green approach to the new labour market, key competences lifelong learning are some of the central topics that HELIOS is transferring to young participants.

The goal is to provide them with innovative and competitive tools to be an active part of the green change that the Mediterranean is experiencing.

We think this is the winning approach for a more sustainable and inclusive Mediterranean.

About 100 people are taking part in the courses which started on 25 October in all six project partner countries.

The impressions of the participants were positive and they responded with enthusiasm and interest to the issues addressed.

An engaging path right from the start, in step with current environmental issues and with a strong European footprint”, says Adriana Albano who is following the course at ARCES in Palermo.

Indispensable modules that allow us to deepen very important issues that are becoming more and more crucial”, adds Francesco Conoscenti. 

I chose to attend the HELIOS course as young aspirant entrepreneur to enrich my knowledge on the topics of sustainable economy”, continues Lucia La Duca.

Within the next few months, 1720 young people and women coming from all the project partner’s countries, will be trained until the end of the project with the next editions of the course.


Take part in HELIOS courses!

Click here to participate in the Italian training course version!

If you are from Spain, Greece, Tunisia, Palestine or Jordan send an email at heliosproject.enicbcmed@gmail.com you will be contacted by the partners.

Need more information? Read this news focused about the HELIOS courses.Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook and on Twitter

#TakePartOfTheGreenChange #GOMED 

 *Original Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash