HELIOS trains 21 Jordanian women on using Circular Economy in food processing

Authors: Croce Monica Segretario, Valerio Li Puma

The National Agricultural Research Center “NARC”, Jordanian Partner of HELIOS, graduated the first class of participants in the “Blue and Circular Economy, Entrepreneurship and Soft Skills” training course which took place between 3rd and 21st of October.

For three weeks, twenty-one women benefited from the course focused on hard skills, entrepreneurship and soft skills within the framework of Sustainable Economy models, and above all of the Circular Economy in order to explore the related job opportunities in Jordan.

Preserving the natural resources has become a vital challenge and moving away from the traditional linear model of collecting raw materials, manufacturing, disposing of waste, to relying on materials that the end user can recycle, was adopted on the basis of saving the environment. Consumers have become more aware of preserving the environment than they were before and real sustainability takes place in a circular manner where resources are recovered with the highest possible quality to be reused and continue to benefit from themsaid Dr. Nizar Haddad, the Director General of NARC.

The importance of a Circular Economy approach for the Jordanian economy, was emphasized as this innovative model can be applied on everything. For example from special food processing to packaging, in a way that the consumer will reduce waste, and consequently will have a positive impact on the environment and climate change.

The training activity in Jordan is going to continue in the coming months involving young people and women coming from the Balqa Governorate and the Jordan Valley.

Read more on the Jordan Daily.

Also read this news about the HELIOS training action in the Mediterranean Region!

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