تقديم مقترح مشروع


تم إغلاق الدعوة لتقديم المقترحات في 3 يوليو/أيلول 2019 الساعة 1 مساءً (CET).

Proposals shall be submitted only through the online application form: www.enicbcmed.eu/eform. Applications sent by other means will not be accepted.

E-application form user guide

الوثائق الرئيسية

1. Text of the call for proposals

2. Guidelines for Applicants

3. Terms of Reference

الوثائق الإلزامية التي سيتم تحميلها في نموذج الطلب عبر الإنترنت

1. Declaration by the Applicant
2. Partner Statement      
3. Declaration for International Organisations (to be submitted only in case one or more international organizations are involved in the project. If an international organisation presents a project proposal as Applicant, it shall also submit the "Declaration by the Applicant" in addition to the "Declaration for International Organisations")
4. Associated partner declaration (to be submitted only in case associated partners are involved in the project)
5. State aid self-assessment grid
6. Calculation of administrative costs (including instructions for filling in the file)

وثائق لدعم إعداد مقترحات المشاريع

1. Joint Operational Programme
2. Indicative evaluation and monitoring and plan
3. Strategic Environmental Assessment
4. Courtesy application form
5. Note on State Aid
6. TESIM factsheets on State Aid (only for Egyptian, Jordanian and Tunisian organizations)
7. Note on eligible costs
8. Glossary
9. NEW (09.05.2019): synthesis of the 41 projects funded under the first call for proposals
10. NEW (20.06.2019): note on the financial capacity (updated on 01.07.2019)

الوثائق المنشورة للعلم

1. Model of Grant Contract
2. Note on personal data processing
3. Model of Partnership Agreemen

المعلومات الوطنية

1. National co-financing for Greek Applicants and partners (articles 5 - 12)