Project news

Sales and a well-deserved medal for the beneficiaries of InnovAgroWoMed

4 beneficiaries of InnovAgroWoMed in Tunisia participated in the exhibition-sale "culinary walks" and attracted the attention of all visitors and the jury too!

Project news

LIVINGAGRO protagonist in the framework of the "Joint Seminar of the FAO CIHEAM Networks" on crops and animal nutrition

A project dedicated parallel session will be organized in the context of the event for which a dedicated …

Project news

MENAWARA, MEDISS and MEDWAYCAP projects celebrate the World Water Day in Sardinia, Italy

The MEDISS, MENAWARA and MEDWAYCAP projects organize an event on 19 March in Santu Lussurgiu (Sardinia, Italy) that will see primary and secondary school pupils as protagonist…

Project news

REUSEMED in Spain organised a community festival to promote composting in Cordoba

The event included fun activities to raise awareness of composting among all age groups and served to combat the lack of knowledge about composting among the citizens of Cordo…

Project news

CLIMA staff discovers new Italian excellences, from worm composting to Zero Waste

On 10th and 11th March, project partners came together from all of the countries involved in the project for an intense two-days adventure between environmental communication,…

Project news

NEX-LABS scouting and coaching training sessions evaluation: interactivity and knowledge sharing as success factor

The evaluation of the Water-Energy-Food NEXUS NEX-LABS scouting and coaching trainings showed a great appreciation of the contents from part…

Project news

AQUACYCLE meets up with Sergio and Maria Isabel, who till the land in the Almería region of Spain

Sergio and Maria Isabel share their concerns to sustain their intensive cucumber cultivation.

Project news

ARTOLIO attended the 9th WOOE (World Olive Oil Exhibition) in Madrid, on March 8th and 9th

On March the 8th and 9th, the ARTOLIO project attended the WOOE (World Olive Oil Exhibition) as a visitor, a worldwide fair recognized by all producers and consumers of qualit…