Project news

MoreThanAJob workshop in Jordan

Public Authorities and NGOs got to know the outcomes and the results of the 2 sub-grantees in Jordan and the developed national policy´s briefs in the field of unemployment and education.

Project news

CRE@CTIVE subgrantees in Palestine: Meet Meera Albaba, co-founder of Deera Tatreez Fashion House

Meet one of the subgrantees of CRE@CTIVE who promotes Palestinian embroidery and ethical fashion practices.

Project news

GREENinMED Project Water and Energy Efficiency in Tourism Industry: Winners Announced for Subgrant Call

The Arava Institute and Kinneret Academic College are pleased to announce the winners of the 1st Israeli Subgrant call for the cross-border …

Project news

Med4Waste selects 6 Mediterranean cities for its mentoring scheme

The scheme will provide valuable technical support and guidance on how to enhance waste management systems in these 6 selected cities.

Project news

MoreThanAJob in Italy supported the development of a new business model for street sellers

Artigianato Interculturale promoted the renewal of their business model in a sustainable, ethical and legal perspective.

Project news

From GIMED to Seddeh: A Young Entrepreneur's Path to Sustainability

Mohammed Nejmeddin, the CEO of Seddeh, is passionate about sustainability and green living. The GIMED project has given him the push to launch his green start-up, Seddeh.