Project news

SIRCLES presents the Lebanese awarded projects in waste management

2 applicants from Lebanon won where the project is being implemented: Htree and The Ground.

Project news

SIRCLES announces the winners of its sub-grants competition

As part of the SIRCLES project, 8 applicants from Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon won the “the SIRCLES project’s sub-grant Competition”.

Project news

MoreThanAJob in Palestine showcases training and experiences of young people towards employment

The event aimed at sharing the results of MoreThanAJob’s two sub-grantees with its national stakeholders and partners.

Project news

GIMED: Meet the 6 business ideas and existing ventures winning a 7,500€ grant in Tunisia!

A total of 4 business ideas and 2 existing ventures are the winners from this grant in Tunisia.

Project news

TRANSDAIRY brings together a cross-border community of researchers, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in Tunisia

The TRANSDAIRY innovators got vouchers for 8 prototypes, 2 co-publications, and 2 co-patents. The dream has just begun, stay tuned for more.

Project news

MED-Ina in Jordan supports Gold Sands, a vermicomposting farm project

1st place winner of the ideas category, project “Gold Sands” creates resources from waste by using worms to convert organic waste from existing farms into vermicompost, thus a…

Project news

Project news

New collaborations and entrepreneurial inititives in Italy in the framework of BESTMEDGRAPE

Two young entrepreneurs started a partnership to create new products in line with the BESTMEDGRAPE principles of circular economy and the enhancement of resources, combining t…

Project news

Lebanon: CLIMA projects brings municipality of Bourj Hammoud one step closer to zero waste

CLIMA project supports the start-up ReFuse in scaling up and enhancing its impact in Lebanon. ReFuse is a social enterprise that runs recyclable collection points, sells recyc…