Project news

MoreThanAJob in Jordan supports the training of young people in Social and Solidarity Economy sector

Through 3 modules: introduction on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), Democratic management in the SSE and Ethical and Solidarity Finance …

Project news

MED-InA in Spain supports 4 start-ups and innovative ideas towards zero waste

Through financial support and an incubation period, these 4 winners out of 29 candidates cover textile, footwear and energy saving of hot water.

Project news

INTECMED in Western Greece receives 20 proposals from entrepreneurs and innovators

Most proposals address issues related to e-health, environment, e-commerce, agriculture, and ICTs.

Project news

MEDUSA: Get to know more about Adventure Tourism winners in Tunisia

The World Wide Fund for Nature Tunisia, MEDUSA project’s partner in Tunisia, awarded DREAM Dealer event the MEDUSA Sub-Grant.

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES launched its second step of its call for proposals

About 50 SMEs that successfully passed the first step of the call, are now invited to submit a full application by 31st of May 2022. Meanwhile, these SMEs will benefit from tr…

Project news

MoreThanAJob in Italy supports a new business model for street sellers

Artigianato Interculturale, a sub-grantee by MoreThanAJob provides training in traditional and digital craft skills, an orientation desk for social entrepreneurs and an observ…

Project news

MEDUSA: Investing in the rich diversity of Horsh Ehden in Lebanon

Discover Horsh Ehden, the winner of the MEDUSA Sub-Grant in Lebanon.

Project news

MoreThanAJob in Palestine offers training in dessert making and upholstery

About 35 young people will benefit from it and some women will join the upholstery training, which is quite unusual for Palestinian society, associating it to a man´s job.

Project news

MoreThanAJob in Palestine supports 50 young people towards employment

By providing training in graphic design, digital marketing and life skills so that those young people have better chances to enter the labour market.