Project news

INVESTMED: Sub-grants available for Business Support Organisations

The EU-funded INVESTMED project is offering sub-grants to Business Support Organisations in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia. Applications are now open now and close on 23 December.

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES: Call for proposals deadline extended

The new deadline for the SME4SMARTCITIES call for proposals is the 2nd of December 2021.


Project news

CLIMA launches a new call for proposals for social enterprises in Lebanon

The aim is to streghten the compost value chain by providing subsidies to 5 social enterprises interested in developing innovative businesses for the use of raw material.  ​​​…

Project news

INTECMED announces call to finance 12 innovative ideas!

In November, INTECMED project will be launching a call for ideas, where the best 12 innovative business proposals will receive sub-grants for the development of new and innovative products/services.

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES launches its Smart City Solutions call for proposals

Mediterranean SMEs can apply for a share of up to 45,000 euros each for the development of innovative and technological solutions to major urban challenges faced by Mediterran…

Project news

The CLIMA project launches grants for 5 environmental, sustainable and inclusive projects in Tunisia

The objective is to promote circular economy initiatives to help reduce environmental and socio-economic problems in the Mahdia region.

Project news

TRANSDAIRY Entrepreneurship Training Program - Call for “Dairy-Preneurs” in Lebanon

Apply before November 5th to the Entrepreneurship Training Program in Lebanon to support actors of Dairy Value Chain sector.

Project news

GREENinMED: New call for hotels in France to receive sustainability consultancies

The aim is to upgrade the eco-innovation capacities of French SMEs in the tourist accommodation sector.

Project news

Lebanon: Subgrants call for Guesthouses and Bakeries now open under the CROSSDEV project

Sustainable tourism businesses of the Jabal Moussa area are invited to apply now to the grant scheme. Deadline: 10 November 2021.