Project news

Med Pearls: Call for Proposals for Slow Tourism Product Creation (Catalonia, Spain)

Access now to the pre-announcement of the Spanish Call for Proposals for Slow Tourism Product Creation. The Calls for Med Pearls pilot areas in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Italy…

Project news

The common path of three potential entrepreneurs in the frame of BESTMEDGRAPE

A shared purpose is what brings people together and makes them strong: discover the project idea of this Italian team.

Project news

GREENinMED: Extended deadline to submit candidacies to the Innovation Vouchers call in France

Up to 10 innovative tourist accommodation SMEs based or operating mainly in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) or in Corsica regions will be selected in order to support them in …

Project news

INVESTMED launches call for trainees on Sustainable Business Management

The training program aims to enhance the skills of young entrepreneurs in the green and blue economy and the creative & cultural industries, in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia.…

Project news

Israel: GREENinMED call for innovation vouchers on energy and water management for the hotel industry

The call aims to select an exclusive number of small and medium-sized hotels to be granted an eco-innovation voucher consultation.

Project news

MoreThanAJob: Introductory session for sub-grant applicants in Palestine

Read more about MoreThanAJob introductory session to set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of the project's sub-grants in Palestine.

Project news

BESTMEDGRAPE, France: extension of the call for entrepreneurs in the field of grape valorization

France extends the deadline for the call for entrepreneurs until June 28, 2021 at 6 p.m. (French time) for the creation of SMEs and start-up…

Project news

14 Mediterranean salinas selected for sub-grants within the project MedArtSal

Thanks to the support of MedArtSal, 14 salinas in the Mediterranean will diversify their business potential and increase environmental sustainability.

Project news