Project news

FISH MED NET signed a sub-grant agreement of 30 000euros in Palestine!

The devices to be installed in Gaza will help reduce energy consumption and reduce fish waste.

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES aims to provide cool spots for the public in several cities from Israel

Kfar Saba municipality in Israel is about to win funding for a pilot within the SME4SMARTCITIES project.

Project news

STAND Up! Afef Bohli, winner of the eco-innovative challenge solving overuse of water

STAND Up! partners in Tunisia have launched 19 challenges this year, through The Switchers Open Eco-Innovation platform. CITET organised a pitching event in April to hear out …

Project news

PPI4MED in Spain will help finance the creation of spin-offs based on technologies

The process will be open until the end of the project or the budget is completely spent.

Project news

On your March, Get Set, GO! MedBEESinessHubs subgrants are out!

50+ beneficiaries; €264,700 value of subgrants; 5 regions; 1 common vision: To Build the Bee Economy in the Mediterranean

Project news

INVESTMED holds co-ordination meetings to support 38 entrepreneurs

To support its entrepreneurs with the subgrant process, INVESTMED partners and Business Support Organisations hold coordination meetings in each country.

Project news

MoreThanAJob project 🌍 Newsletter 📰 #07

The issue includes updates on the latest key actions, achievements, and events to support social economy for a More Inclusive Mediterranean

Project news

GIMED: Sharqi Palestine, preserving the environment and cultural heritage through fashion

GIMED has accompanied more than 35 projects in Palestine with high social and environmental impact from their early-stage. Discover Sharqi Palestine's success story.