
Project news

Project news

Greece: MoreThanAJob launches a dialogue with public administration representatives on employment policies

A group of public administration representatives in Greece participated in a training seminar on employment policies and the role of public …

Project news

InnovAgroWoMed-Spain: Call for participation for a training program

The ultimate goal of this program is to stimulate the employability of women and strengthen their entrepreneurial spirit in the agri-food sector.

Project news

GIMED: 23 green ideas selected in Palestine to be turned into successful eco-innovative start-ups

Leaders International has started the training sessions with selected innovators on the 27th of March.

Project news

Two new tender opportunities under the MYSEA strategic project in Italy

Cies ONLUS, lead beneficiary of the MYSEA project, is looking for an “Expert for the organization of events” and a “Supply for the logistical organization”.

Project news

YEP MED is looking for an external auditor in Egypt

This invitation to tender is addressed to reputable audit firms or individuals to deliver the expenditure and revenue verification reports to the rab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport.

Project news

YEP MED develops new digital training methodology based on virtually simulated enterprises

With the realities of a post-Covid world on the distant horizon, YEP MED shifts gear into developing innovative courses that take advantage of virtual enterprises set in a dig…

Project news

TEC-MED in Lebanon is a glimpse of hope in this dark time

The project is developing an intervention framework to improve and adapt social care for older persons who are at risk of social exclusion.

Project news

CROSSDEV: Ramadan 2021 awareness campaign

Follow our new social media campaign and get to know the archeological beauties of Aqaba, Jordan, and much more!