Project news

25 April 2020
InnovAgroWoMed project team e-meeting

The InnovAgroWoMed project team discussed ways to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the project implementation plan.

Project news

22 April 2020
Second Steering Committee meeting of MoreThanAJob project

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the MoreThanAJob project team continues to work together.

Project news

22 April 2020
InnovAgroWoMed: supporting women entrepreneurship in the agro-food sector

InnovAgroWoMed expects to train 140 women in marketable skills and to define four job profiles according to the needs of the agri-food sector.


Project news

Project news

16 April 2020
TEC-MED tips during COVID-19 times

Experts of the Greek Association of Alzheimer Hellas and Related Disorders offer some recommendations for poeple with dementia people during COVID-19 times.

Project news

14 April 2020
The MoreThanAJob project is looking for an auditor!

The An-Najah National University, Palestine is looking for an external auditor as part of the MoreThanAJob project. Apply until 15 May!

Project news

06 April 2020
RESMYLE: inventory of educational resources on environment and sustainable development

The aim is to provide educators with playful and cheap resources to facilitate environmental awareness activities among NEETs. 

Project news

06 April 2020
The HELIOS project is selecting an external auditor

The deadline for the submission of bids is Monday, April 20th,2020